• +49 2389 928 530
  • RS Technik | Zum Schacht III / 9 | DE - 59192 Bergkamen
  • 8:00 - 17:00 Mo-Fr.
  • +41 44 986 1052
  • RS Technik AG | Sternengasse 21 | CH-4051 Basel
  • 8:00 - 17:00 Mo-Fr.

RS CityLiner®

Pipe liner system for on-site renovation

Our RS CityLiner® systems offer unique logistical advantages such as the preparation, impregnation and installation of epoxy impregnated liners directly on site. The system offers everything you need – resin and hardener tanks, mixing plant and calibration roller – it provides the necessary flexibility, the liner technology can be used almost anywhere and with any pipe type. The RS CityLiner® is ready for use at any time and is suitable for emergencies as well as for small or large construction sites.

Worldwide experience: the RS CityLiner® has been in operation in Europe, Asia, the USA and Mexico for more than 25 years. Its efficiency and quality have been extensively tested.


The RS CityLiner® system includes two different installation and curing options:

  • the inversion of the impregnated liner by means of compressed air (pressure drum) and curing with steam
  • the inversion of the impregnated liner by means of hydrostatic water column and curing with hot water.

The dosing and mixing of the resin components as well as the vacuum impregnation of the liner are done directly on site in the mobile mixing and impregnating plant RS CCM®.


  • Mobile production through on-site impregnation with MaxPox® epoxy resin
  • Airless mixing in pure resin flow with automatic dosing and mixing
  • Complete measurement and documentation of the entire procedure
  • Installation of the impregnated liner with the inversion method with hydrostatic head or pressure drum
  • Hot water curing by circulation of hot water or steam
  • Opening of laterals with RS Cutter or robots

Hose liners for RS CityLiner® System

  • Carrier hose RS Cityliner®
  • Carrier hose RS CityLiner® glass
  • RS calibration hoses
  • Preliner
  • PU outer hose

Epoxy resin systems for RS CityLiner®

  • RS MaxPox® 15 (epoxy resin)
  • RS MaxPox® 180 (hardener)
  • RS MaxPox® 480 (hardener)

Do You Have Questions?

Would you like to know more, do you have a specific question about the RS CityLiner® system or would you like to place an order? We will be happy to help you directly.

Technical specifications

Properties of the RS CityLiner®

Mobile production through on-site impregnation with MaxPox® epoxy resin

Airless mixing in pure resin flow with automatic dosing and mixing

Complete measurement and documentation of the entire procedure

Installation of the impregnated liner with the inversion method with hydrostatic head or pressure drum

Hot water curing by circulation of hot water or steam

Opening of laterals with RS cutter or robots

Diameter range

DN 150 – DN 800 mm

Delivery of RS CityLiner® in container (on HGV chassis)

Resin and hardener tanks

Two volume-monitored feed pumps

An electronically driven roller conveyor

One cooling or heating unit each

Heating system with burner and boiler

Circulation pump

Power generator for the supply of the RS CityLiner® system

Quality control

DIBt ApprovalRS CityLiner® Nr. Z-42.3-377

RAL Quality mark RS CityLiner® S27.1 (Water) & S27.2 (Steam)



To avoid air bubbles, the liner is installed under vacuum.
No air pockets = higher strength and denser laminate


The required amount of resin is adjusted in the CPU and evenly distributed in the liner with calibration rollers.


The epoxy resin mixture produced under exclusion of air in the mixing plant is introduced directly from the static mixer into the liner. The mixing process is continually monitored automatically and guarantees a consistent product quality. Pressure (using water or air) inverts the impregnated liner at a roll speed of up to one metre per minute. The liner is inverted.


Curing is achieved through the circulation of hot water or steam. The house connections are then opened quickly and precisely with the RS Cutter or a robot. Afterwards, the house connections can quickly be put back into operation.


Devices and extension variations